Friday, October 19, 2018


    Heyyyyy,, guess who's back? Not me of course (lol), i said on my last blog that i only have to post 1 entry and i am done? well lmao my teach told us to post more ffs im too lazy but eh lets get this over with anyway, I'm gonna post weekly shitpost update.
    Anyway, before we get to the point, I am just gonna remind you all that I only have been drawing for 5 years and still improving. So I don't know any better than you all that has drawing for decades, sorry if there are many errors.
    Ok, so you want to improve your drawing? And you're still a beginner? Starting drawing since days ago/week ago? Well I think this is the best tutorial for youu. You have come to the right site!
    if this tutorial does not help you at all, then search for other :/ i dont know anything at all lol im sorry
First step that I can recommend you (the most important aspect for y'all) is
1. Draw Everyday
    This one aspect is VERY VERY VERY important (for me), if you want improve faster more than Usain Bolt's leg, you should do this. But remember, you shouldn't push yourself.
2. Be Comfortable
    This one's clearly a common sense. 'Cause you won't be improving your skill if there's something off, for example; if you hate your drawing style, you should find a style you like, don't be scared using drawing reference from your favourite artists, but don't plagiarized/traced it, mix them together until you finally found your own style.
3. Use A Reference
    As I mention in number 2, you should use a references for your drawing if you don't know the shapes (or smth). Don't mind the people that said using reference is cheating and its bad. It's not a crime to look up a reference to draw but it IS a crime if you traced a drawing that you used as reference. There's differences between tracing and using references.
4. Listen to Critics
    If you just started drawings and someone critiques you but your reply is 'I just started drawing, cut me some slack' then you will have a hard time improving. Critics can some time be irrelevant and relevant. You should listen to a better/detailed critics and you should try to improve that part. But bad critics are like being  a hater, they're just insulting you for your flaws and only intend to make you stop for what you wish to be. Please note that not all critics are the same with haters. You could ask for someone for detailed critics from them, its called Constructive Critism.

    And uh, I think that's it for this post. I hope it can help you improve your drawing skill,, and yep. Have a good day!

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