Friday, January 11, 2019

What Kind Of Best Girl in Romance Mangas

This post right here is just for fun and for assignment. Please do not be offended.

   So, best girl huh? You might think of a loli (no), a megane, or even the big sister type right? Everyone has their own peculiar taste but if you ask me what kind of best girl is the best, I'll answer: strong girl.

   What I meant by strong girls are female main characters (in romance comic) that are stronger mentally and physically than any normal girls. 
   With stereotypes such as 'Girls are weak and always needs to be protected' 'Girls are pure and delicate' 'Girls can cry but boys can't' strong girls are very hard to find in romance comic, that's why I value them and appreciated the author if i do found romance comic with strong female MC. Because. Most ROMANCE comic either has very weaaaaaaak or normal female MC. Theres no in-between.

   You know what I hate the most?? Old romance mangas with super weak female characters. For example:

1. Fem MC got saved by MC
Fem MC: *falls in love*
2. Fem MC's eyes met with MC
Fem MC: *ba-fkin-dump*

   You know wot?? That's so stupid. Who in the world will fall in love with just that? I meant, you and them are total strangers. How could you just???
Enough complaints-- let's get back to discussing my favorite type of fem leads...

   Strong. What is strong? Strong is having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks. But that's not only it,, Good strong female leads are often (either) stronger mentally and physically. They keep their pride and not go around falling in love with people. 

   They think very carefully and rationally. It's not easy to make them fall in love, so it takes progress. AND that's what we search for in story. PLOTS. Strong female leads are more memorable for me (maybe because they're my favorite lol) but I think it can be the opposite for others, in the end, it depends on tastes.

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