Monday, November 12, 2018

Differences A Line Can Make in Drawing pt. 1

    As the title said, I am going to show you what differences a line can make when it is placed in a certain position when drawing face's features. (please note that these is according to how I interpreted it) And for this topic, I am going to create individual blog depends on what I will explain.

    When drawing characters, your line placement for eyes could change their overall emotion or even characters. Take a look:

    Drawing eyes with straight upper lid with curved lower lid could make them look serious, drawing eyes with both curved eyelids could make them look s h o o k, and lastly, drawing eyes with curved upper lid and straight lower lid could make them look somewhat happy. The emotion on your character depends on how you draw them eyebrows too.

    Also if you want to draw a simple old anime character dude you could just add lines below the eyes just like how I do it:

    Oh so your characters have the same face syndrome? (idk man, google it if you don't know) And you are trying hard to make them look different?? Well, I have good news for you!! You can start by changing your characters eye shapes! Variation is good, don't be afraid to try new things. For examples:

    And here, is an example of same face syndrome:

    See?? The characters look so boring right? It's as if they all staring into your soul while laughing at you because you can't even draw different eyes. When you try so hard to distinguish your character with the other but you can only change the the hair/add features like horns and tattoos in the end, they'll all look the same. My solution is, firstly, you can start by changing their eye shapes. Take a look:

   They look like a complete new characters right?? It almost looks like I didn't copy and paste their face. And if you start changing your character's eye shapes you can also change their eyebrow's shapes, and then the nose, and then the face structure and even body shapes!

    Okay, so in the next blog I'll show you how eyebrows could change the character's emotion and characteristic. Thanks y'all for reading these (if you actually read it lmao) and don't ask me why I make separate blog with the same topic (gotta create more blogs for T.I.K scores,, gotta catch them deadline boiss). Thank you all,, have a great day!!

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